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Top 9 Amazing Ideas to Attract Customers to Your Restaurant or Café: Make HoReCa Great Again

Reading Time ~5 minutes
Published: July 10th, 2024
Changes in consumer preferences, competition, and challenging economic conditions are the new realities of the restaurant business in 2024. In this article, we will discuss the challenges faced by HoReCa business owners, how to adapt business processes, and what technologies to implement to retain current customers and attract new ones.

Brand DNA

In the fierce competition for consumer attention, focusing on building and strengthening brand reputation is a top priority for resource investment. You need to know exactly what sets you apart from your niche neighbors and communicate this effectively to customers. A unique concept, special delivery and packaging touches, unusual advertising, and collaborations with media personalities are just a few ways to stand out. Apply comprehensive measures and measure the effectiveness of different methods.

Creative Design

What makes an establishment popular and generates consumer buzz? Delicious food and an original interior, of course. We won’t give menu advice, but we can help with ideas for unique décor. Use projection technologies to create a unique atmosphere in your restaurant. Dynamic projections on walls and ceilings turn an ordinary dinner into a true cultural event, evoking emotions similar to those of a cinema or museum visit. See the impact projection design has on visitors

Unique Services

With video mapping, you can not only create a unique interior but also organize impressive visual performances and shows for special events. New Year's, anniversaries, corporate events—there are plenty of reasons to celebrate in everyone's life.

Offer your guests the opportunity to celebrate important events in a way that will be remembered for a lifetime. Attract guests and increase profits by offering unique services that no competitors have. Projection shows on tables or cakes, for example, can become your restaurant’s hallmark that makes people choose you for their celebrations.

Integration of Technologies

The era of technology demands digital solutions. Online table reservations, mobile apps for ordering and payment, and self-service terminals have long become everyday realities. Digitization simplifies work processes for staff and enhances the user experience for guests. Go further by installing interactive tables in your establishment, allowing guests to order directly from a touch screen, view recommendations, and even play games while waiting for their orders.

Movie Screenings, Exhibitions, Lectures

Movie nights, workshops, and lectures are classic ways to attract guests. Collaborate with local artists and designers to create unique art objects in the restaurant that can be regularly updated to maintain visual interest.

AR Menu

Offer guests a journey through the origin of ingredients or the culinary traditions of different countries using augmented reality glasses or a phone. This unique way of presenting your menu and its features can captivate customers. AR technology can also be used for themed events or setting up a separate play area.

Don’t Forget About Children

Pay more attention than the standard coloring books and crayons available at every establishment.

Guests with children are a large segment of the target audience for almost any restaurant or café. Dedicate a separate children's area and engage young visitors with interesting activities. Parents will thank you for the chance to spend time alone.

Organizing children's entertainment doesn’t necessarily require hiring an animator; modern interactive equipment can handle the task excellently. Sensory rooms, interactive walls, and floors can impress a child so much that they will want to visit your establishment again.

Photo Zone

If you didn’t take a photo with a glass of wine against a chic interior, it’s like you didn’t go out to dinner. These are the rules of life in the social media era. Don’t deprive guests of the opportunity to share their impressions of you with friends and followers. Organize an unusual photo zone where everyone can capture the moment.

By the way, high-quality photos and videos are needed not only by guests but also by you for use in advertising, social networks, and media. If the budget allows, hire an in-house photographer to help with this. We’ve discussed how user-generated content (UGC) advertises you online for free and without your participation in a separate article.

Outdoor Projection Advertising

Online promotion is certainly beneficial, but don’t forget about standard offline methods. Outdoor advertising still works great in the HoReCa industry. To attract new customers, you need to be the first to catch the eye of hungry passersby looking for a place to eat. Ordinary signs don’t always accomplish this task. Projection advertising helps break through banner blindness. Bright, dynamic visuals make your establishment stand out among neighbors.

At POGUMAX, we have been attracting attention with projection design for 10 years. Check out our portfolio. :)

Loyalty Program

Loyalty programs can range from "get your 6th coffee free" cards to a secret menu available only by special request or to club members. Take time to develop individual multi-level loyalty programs with bonuses, discounts, and special offers for regular customers. This creates a sense of exclusivity and engages guests. You can also use the data to analyze consumer behavior and create offers that best meet their needs.


In a constantly changing market, continuous development and improvement of technologies are not just trends but necessities. Experiment with approaches and remember: each innovation holds the potential for growth.

Specifically for the restaurant market, we offer projection equipment and our proprietary POGUMAX Designer software, with which you can create a unique experience for your guests. Projection interior design, outdoor advertising, light shows for special events, interactive multimedia equipment—we are always ready to help create creative visual concepts.

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