Video mapping (Projection Mapping) is more than just a wall and a projector; it's about transforming any surface into a dynamic screen, taking into account its unique geometry and location. From castle walls to wedding cakes, from cars to giant urban facades, video mapping turns the mundane into the extraordinary, creating personalized visual experiences.
Special software and projection equipment allow for organizing large-scale visual shows and adapting them for any object or event. Multiple projectors are often used to create panoramic projections.
This art form has gained popularity due to its accessibility and viral potential. Spectacular visual transformations seem tailor-made for sharing and marveling over online.
Demonstrations typically involve a projector-computer setup with specialized software. Many believe that creating projections with such software requires being a video engineer or, at the very least, a tech-savvy individual. While this is often the case, there are exceptions! For example,
POGUMAX Designer is a software with an intuitive interface, easy setup, and a built-in library of animations for any theme. With it, anyone can create stunning custom projections in just 15 minutes!