3D mapping is very hard to describe in two words, so you hear from ordinary people phrases that at best can only remotely tell you what mapping is - "laser show", "light show", "3D show", "show in which a building collapses", etc.
If we turn to the translators, that, for example, Google translates the English word "mapping" as "display" and "transformation", so we get 3D mapping and 3D transformation. But even these word combinations cannot answer the question "What kind of a creature is 3D mapping?
So let's try to form the most complete and informative definition of this mysterious phenomenon in the world of advertising.
3D mapping - a special direction in audio-visual sphere, which is a three-dimensional projection on some physical object of the environment, taking into account its geometry and position in space.
This technology allows you to modify the visual characteristics of a particular object by means of video projection, and it allows you to turn almost any surface into a dynamic video screen.
It is a unique advertising technology, understandable for people of all ages, races and religions, distinguished by its scale, exclusivity, uniqueness and memorability. It has the ability to grab attention, get people talking about themselves, and go viral.