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Touching Allowed: Top 7 Ideas for Museums and Art Spaces to Attract and Retain Visitors

Reading Time ~5 minutes
Published: June 14, 2024
Most traditional cultural activities, such as museums, libraries, theaters, and sports facilities, face new challenges today: how to attract youth raised in a digital world, and how to keep their interest?

Today, we'll discuss solutions for museums. Let's go!

How to Modernize a Museum?

Have you ever wondered why many people find museums boring? Quiet halls, paintings on the walls, exhibits behind glass — all of this often fails to inspire. But the world is changing, and modern museums now need to look like real art spaces to attract more attention.

Implementing innovative technologies opens up many new possibilities. Interactive panels, virtual and augmented reality, light shows, animatronics, and other technological innovations not only bring exhibits to life but also make the visit engaging and educational.

Moreover, paradoxical as it may sound at first glance, technologies allow museums to save resources and update exhibits without significant financial investments.

Technological innovations also help overcome barriers and stereotypes, attracting a broader and more diverse audience by offering unforgettable and engaging experiences. Museums and art spaces that implement such technologies become centers of attraction interesting not only to adults but also to children, offering something truly unique and engaging, where everyone finds something for themselves.

In this article, we will discuss and showcase the main technologies that every modern cultural institution should apply to some extent to keep up with the times.

Modern Technologies in the Service of Museums and Art Spaces

Interactive Panels and Screens

You enter a museum, and instead of the usual information plaques, you are greeted by touch tables and multimedia screens. These devices not only help with navigation but also allow deeper immersion into history. On a touch table, you can examine ancient maps, learn more about great battles, or see what historical figures looked like.

For museums and art spaces, this means the ability to offer more information without needing to expand the physical exhibition. It saves money and allows for easy updating and adapting of exhibits for different audiences.

Augmented and Virtual Reality

Now you can not just look at exhibits but literally travel through time and space. Augmented reality (AR) adds digital elements to real objects, while virtual reality (VR) completely immerses you in another world. For example, by putting on VR glasses, you can find yourself in ancient Rome or on a battlefield.

These technologies create unique experiences that attract more visitors and make their visit more memorable. They also allow saving on physical space since many exhibits can be presented virtually.

Video Mapping in the Museum

Video mapping is a modern technology that allows projecting images, animations, or videos onto physical objects in such a way that they precisely match the shape and surface of these objects. With the help of specialized software, static objects can be made to "come alive," creating the illusion of movement and transformation.
This opens new horizons for presenting exhibits and creating unique spectacular shows that attract and engage visitors. You can see historical events unfold right before your eyes or watch artworks transform into something new and amazing.
Example of Video Mapping for Museums: Living Canvases
For contemporary museums and art spaces, video mapping is a key tool that helps create captivating shows that grab attention and are memorable for a long time. It also helps reduce costs on decorations and props thanks to its easy integration into the existing infrastructure of the venue.

Holography and Its Application in the Museum

Holography is a method of creating three-dimensional images using light waves.

Holograms allow visualizing objects in 3D, creating an illusion of reality that attracts and fascinates visitors. The technology of holography can be used to demonstrate both static objects and dynamic scenes, adding interactive elements to the museum's exposition.
Holography allows museums to display rare and fragile exhibits that are difficult to show in their original form due to their value or condition. Visitors can see detailed 3D images of such objects without risking damage to them.

Integrating holography into museum exhibits can significantly increase their popularity and create memorable experiences that visitors will want to share with others.

Interactive Installations in the Museum

Interactive installations allow visitors to become part of the exhibit. Controlling objects through gestures or sensors makes the museum visit active and engaging. You can feel like a real explorer, interacting with exhibits on a whole new level.
For museums and art spaces, this means creating dynamic exhibitions that attract and retain visitors' attention, especially children.


Animatronics are animated sculptures that can move and mimic the behavior of people, animals, or mythical creatures. These technologies turn static exhibits into interactive and lively ones, creating the impression that you have entered another world.
Example of a kinetic sculpture
For museums and art spaces, animatronics open new opportunities for creating unique shows and thematic exhibits that cannot be realized through traditional methods. This makes them more attractive and memorable.

Virality and "Word of Mouth"

Modern visitors also actively share their impressions and discoveries on social media. All the technologies described above advertise themselves and are an ideal example of UGC content.
If a museum visitor gets a wow effect expecting something boring but is impressed by the technologies, they will want to share it on social media. Such virality becomes a powerful marketing tool, helping to promote the museum through "word of mouth" on visitors' social networks.

Museums of the Future by Neural Networks

We also did a little brainstorming and asked neural networks to show what they think museums will look like in 2050. What do you think? :)
p.s. By the way, we believe that much of this can be implemented today.


Modern technologies make museums and art spaces more accessible and interesting. Interactive panels, VR and AR, video mapping, and holography turn a museum visit into an exciting journey.

Technologies will continue to evolve, and museums and art spaces will become even more technologically advanced, offering new forms of interaction with exhibits.

POGUMAX helps museums and art spaces keep up with the times, attracting new visitors and creating a deep immersion into history and art. We are ready to help your museum or art space become part of this exciting future.

Leave a request, and our manager will calculate your project for free and tell you more about how a modern museum can look and how to make your space not just a repository of history but an innovative platform where every visit turns into an adventure.
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